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FedEx newsroom
Feb 4, 2022
Juan N. Cento, who has led the FedEx Latin America and Caribbean Division as Regional President for over 20 years, announces he will retire December 31, 2021.
Sep 9, 2020
The study shows that only 15 companies out of 1,200 interviewed in 12 countries in the Americas may be well-positioned to export worldwide.
Jul 1, 2020
USMCA streamlines trade in North America for FedEx customers
Oct 4, 2019
With a customized transportation solution and its Colombia flight, the company enhances its portfolio of services to support floriculturists
Jul 23, 2019
FedEx Express participates in the 30th edition of Colombiamoda, where Colombian creativity connects with possibilities around the world
Jul 2, 2019
New flight and facilities to help capture the more than six million pounds of perishables -- including flowers, coffee, fish, fruits, and vegetables-- that are exported daily from Latin America