The work FedEx is doing in the communities it serves is recognized in a new book encouraging companies to act responsibly. The book, written by Tim Sanders, is called “Saving the World at Work – What Companies and Individuals Can Do to Go Beyond Making a Profit to Making a Difference.”
The author calls FedEx a “quality-centered” company, noting how FedEx won the first Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for service in 1990, due in large part to founder and CEO Fred Smith’s commitment to cutting-edge information technology to ensure reliability.
FedEx is also noted for its work with Safe Kids Worldwide, and the launching of the Walk This Way program in 2000. Sanders writes that large or small companies can benefit from this type of local sponsorship opportunity. He notes the connection between the program and the FedEx approach to best business practices, saying “FedEx is recognized as a leader in safety, both in its driving record and its work operations (one of its long-standing corporate credos is ‘Safety Above All’).”
The book goes on to showcase how thousands of FedEx employees volunteer to provide safety expertise during International Walk to School Day each October, and how those FedEx efforts have helped expand the program internationally.
FedEx Express CEO David Bronczek is quoted in the book, saying “There is nothing more fearful for a FedEx courier than a child darting out in front of your truck. Safe Kids Worldwide is a perfect fit for us.”