FedEx and its team members are deeply saddened by the devastation from Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in Southeast Asia. The thoughts of everyone at FedEx are with the victims, survivors, loved ones and first responders affected by this storm. FedEx is working closely with disaster relief organizations (Direct Relief, Water Missions International, and Heart to Heart International) and has already shipped over 20,000 pounds of relief supplies to the Philippines. An additional flight full of medical aid and supplies is scheduled in the coming days.
We are grateful that all of our employees are accounted for and safe. While we are always committed to providing the highest level of service possible to our customers, some service delays and disruptions should be anticipated in the affected areas of the Philippines. Fortunately, our primary FedEx Express operation in Manila remains fully functional.
Please visit the FedEx blog for an updated list of relief efforts: