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FedEx Ranked as Top 50 Company in Corporate Social Responsibility Index


The Reputation Institute and the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship released its Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSRI) today, evaluating the top companies in the U.S. for corporate social responsibility, according to consumers. FedEx earned a rating of 74.65 and was ranked 13 on the list of 50 companies.

The study was based on the Reputation Institute’s 2008 Global Pulse Study, which surveyed consumer opinions of more than 200 companies. Respondents were asked to evaluate companies’ social responsibility efforts in the areas of ethics, involvement in the community, environmental efforts and how the companies treat their workforce.

According to analysis by the Reputation Institute, social programs, management practices and employee relations accounts for more than 40 percent of a company’s reputation.

FedEx is honored to be recognized for its continued commitment to being a caring corporate citizen.

Corporate social responsibility comes to life for FedEx through a variety of initiatives such as disaster relief support, alternative energy efforts, employee recognition programs, diversity initiatives and community service.

A full list of the top 50 companies and other findings can be found at: