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FedEx and Safe Kids Launch Mom’s Hand Campaign to Educate Students on Pedestrian Safety


SEOUL, March 14, 2018 — FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, and Safe Kids Korea launched the Mom’s Hand Campaign at Duil Elementary School in Paju on March 13, 2018. The Mom’s Hand Campaign aims to promote safe road-crossing habits among child pedestrians. Approximately 100 first-year elementary school students participated in the campaign, which included in-class lessons and experiential learning sessions where children cross the street holding a yellow Mom’s Hand sign.

With the growing number of young students using electronic devices, they are often distracted while walking. In a survey conducted by Safe Kids in December, 2016, 85 percent of the students responded that they own a mobile phone and 80 percent admitted to being distracted while walking.

The campaign had three pedestrian safety education sessions: instructional, videos and experiential exercises. Safe Kids safety lecturers focused on the need to refrain from using mobile devices while crossing the street. Videos about the significance of defensive walking were shown to increase students’ awareness. Lastly, FedEx volunteers and the safety lecturers led outdoor experiential practices where the children applied what they learned.

The Mom’s Hand Campaign is part of the FedEx and Safe Kids Korea Walk This Way program that increases awareness among children about the dangers of being distracted and the importance of not looking at devices while walking. FedEx and Safe Kids Korea have been conducting the Walk This Way program since 2003 as a way to raise awareness about child pedestrian safety through educational road user activities and the facilitation of improvements to the walking environment around schools.