
FedEx and Safe Kids Korea Launch Pedestrian Safety Training Program in Seoul

FedEx Express (FedEx) launched the “Moment of Silence” together with Safe Kids Korea at Yeouido in Seoul on May 21. The event is part of the ‘Walk This Way’ program to increase awareness among kids about the danger of being distracted and the importance of putting devices down while walking.

The “Moment of Silence” campaign asked children and parents to pledge to put their devices down while crossing the street. The campaign involved giving nearly 200 children educational training about pedestrian safety precautions. During the event, FedEx volunteers joined children to display pledges by the theme “Don’t Be Distracted While Walking”.

“At FedEx, we are committed to raising awareness about road safety in Korea.” said Eun-Mi Chae, managing director of FedEx Express Korea. “With the Moment of Silence campaign, we hope to foster an improved understanding among children of the importance of concentrating while walking. We believe an enhanced awareness will reduce pedestrian accidents or fatalities.”

Since 2003, FedEx and Safe Kids Korea have the Walk This Way program to teach safe walking behaviors to child pedestrians. The program has conducted a number of road safety activities including education sessions to students and distribution of teaching materials for community centers and schools.