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Get the Latest From FedEx Access - Discover thought-leading insights on global opportunities for businesses and communities


The latest edition of Access Magazine, as well as a revamped web site, has launched. Visit the site to not only subscribe for email alerts, but also to discover a host of stories, interviews and data that illustrates how Access is shaping our world. These stories include:

  • Mumbai-based Bollywood visionary, Ranjit Thakur, head of Scrabble Entertainment, discusses how he took the opportunity to own the process for digitally mastering and distributing Hollywood and Bollywood content in India. (http://access.van.fedex.com/lights-camera-bollywood/)
  • Organic India is taking the world by storm, focusing on quality products and a robust supply chain to bring India’s best organic teas and herbal health products to the world. (http://access.van.fedex.com/sustainability-to-a-tea/)
  • Unique Vintage founder Katie Echeverry offers a few time-tested tips for global access. Katie’s business, which gives new life to formal dresses from the 1920s to the 1960s, has had its wares featured on TV shows such as “Glee” and in the pages of Glamour. (http://access.van.fedex.com/global-growth-vintage-style/)
  • Access interviews Kevin Kelly, author and co-founder of tech magazine Wired, who shares his thoughts on the relationship between trade and technology. (http://access.van.fedex.com/wild-wired-world/)
  • The inaugural “Access 20" is a list that investigates the 20 most intriguing ideas defining global commerce for 2013, featuring experts from a number of fields including technology, international trade, academics . (http://access.van.fedex.com/access-20/)
  • The spotlight is shone on South Korea to discover how this country is becoming a mecca for business owners looking to trade their products thanks in part to a new trade agreement with the U.S. (http://access.van.fedex.com/south-korea-opportunity-at-a-glance/)

All these stories and more can be found in the new Access magazine and on line at http://access.van.fedex.com/