Latin America & Caribbean (English)

FedEx and the International Kids Fund


The International Kids Fund (IKF) is a philanthropic program run by the Jackson Memorial Foundation that is committed to helping critically ill children, primarily from Latin America and the Caribbean , gain immediate access to essential medical care that is unavailable in their respective home countries.

Thanks to the program, hundreds of foreign children with urgent healthcare needs have received expert attention from medical specialists at Holtz Children’s Hospital which is located at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Miami , Florida .

Juan N. Cento, President of FedEx Express Latin America and Caribbean Division, served as chairman of the IKF Board of Directors between 2002 and 2005. He elevated the IKF into the mainstream in the U.S. and beyond its borders. Juan’s three years of devoted service as chairman of the IKF has left a lasting legacy for future leaders to follow, but more importantly he has helped the IKF to lay a strong foundation from which to grow.