The shipping experts at FedEx know the Chinese New Year is the best time of year to connect with far-away loved ones by sending that perfect gift. FedEx Express offers customers several solutions to help pack and ship precious packages this holiday season, from homemade cookies to the hottest toys to the most delicate ornaments.
Ship it Smart with FedEx
Follow these easy packing and shipping tips from the experts at FedEx. You can also visit for more helpful advice.
Declare the value of your valuable goods
· When using FedEx international or domestic service, be sure to declare what you are shipping and the value of the goods, especially for those high value shipments.[1]
Choose the right supplies
· Use sturdy boxes with flaps intact. For heavier items, use double-wall boxes. Keep within the weight specifications for your box.
· Make sure your box is large enough to put adequate padding around contents. Position your item in the center of the box and surround by cushioning such as bubble wrap, densely packed shredded paper or foam pads. Use enough packing material – ideally one inch on all sides – so the item does not shift during transit.
· Use tape designed for packing, not duct or masking tape. Use the “H Tape” method to securely close all of the box flaps.
· Do not wrap the outer box with paper or string, which can get caught in automated processing equipment.
Packing Odd- Shaped Items and other Gifts
Every so often you come across an item that needs to be shipped safely and you just don’t know what to do. Here are some tips to help in those moments!
Large items: For irregular shaped items such as bikes or unboxed toys, at a minimum you should wrap and tape all sharp edges, moving pieces or protrusions.
· Laptops: Consider buying special packaging when shipping extremely fragile electronic equipment such as a laptop.
· Items that may leak: Place goods that might be affected by water or wet conditions inside a plastic bag.
· Photographs and posters: When shipping photographs or posters, place the photographs between rigid materials like plastic or layers of cardboard and then tape both pads together at all seams.
· Original packaging: If you purchase a gift online and plan to re-ship it once it arrives at your home, keep in mind that original packaging is usually designed to ship the product once, not multiple times. Keep the original packaging components but double box the gift as to provide extra cushioning in case the package has been weakened during its original shipment.
Use smart labeling
· Position the address label squarely on the largest surface, and provide complete sender and recipient addresses, including phone numbers and postal codes.
· Put the recipient’s address and your return address inside the box as well.
· If you are shipping FedEx, write the tracking number on the package.
Set up shipments online
· FedEx Ship Manager at was the industry’s first Internet-based shipping option. To use, customers simply click the “Prepare Shipment Online” option under the “Ship” tab on the
Ship early and avoid the lines
· Customers can log onto to determine shipping options, including rates and transit times to ensure that gifts are shipped in time to arrive for the holidays.
Track it
· Tracking a package for real-time delivery status and location information is easy and convenient on Customers can go to the FedEx China homepage, click on the tracking option and supply the tracking numbers for up to 30 FedEx packages. FedEx will then supply real-time information about the delivery status and location of any package in our delivery network.
· In fact, more than six million package-tracking requests are handled on an average day – and even more during the busy holiday shipping season.
· Customers also can get a package status by calling 800-988-1888(international express)and 400-889-1888 (domestic service).
Ship it Green with FedEx
FedEx offers the following tips to get your package to its holiday destination while minimizing the environmental impact.
· Use the smallest box possible while adequately protecting your item. For fragile presents, double box the gift for more protection while shipping and reuse a box for the interior box.
· Purchase boxes made from recycled materials. FedEx envelopes are made from 100% recycled content. FedEx 10 kg and 25 kg boxes contain a minimum of 70 percent recycled content and are recyclable.
· If you must reuse an exterior box, make sure it is in good condition with no holes, tears or corner dents. Also remove any old labels.
· Reuse your packing materials or look for ones that are eco-friendly to cushion the box’s contents such as shredded paper, biodegradable packing materials or light-weight used clothing.
Make sure you package your product properly with the correct amount of cushioning material and utilize a sturdy corrugated shipping container. Remember that the less your package weighs, the fewer resources it will use.
[1]Please visit (international service) or (domestic service) to learn more about shipping high-value goods.