TAIPEI, May 16, 2012 – FedEx and 4,000 Taiwan school students and teachers collected 80kg of new and used school supplies and will be delivering them to students at the Basanta Secondary School in Nawalparasi, Nepal.
The donation drive is part of the FedEx We Deliver Green! Classroom education program, an initiative designed to educate
Students from four elementary schools participated in the donation drive, which aimed to help students change the way they look at waste and develop a habit of reusing, recycling, or sharing materials they no longer need. The 80kg of supplies included new and briefly-used notebooks, pens, crayons and other items which will be delivered to underprivileged Nepalese students in need of these types of resources. The supplies have been collected and will be shipped by FedEx to
In a United Nations Children’s Fund report [1]released in March this year, hundreds of thousands of children in
The FedEx We Deliver Green! Classroom program was launched in
[1]pan>pan>United Nations Children’s Fund Report “The State of the World’s Children 2012: Children in an Urban World”