Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (AMEA)

FedEx Supports Talent Development to Forge a New Cross-border E-commerce Landscape in Taiwan

FedEx sponsors the Eighth Annual Taiwan University Student B2B Cross-Border E-Commerce Competition to facilitate the digital transformation of Taiwanese enterprises

Michael Chu, managing director of operations, FedEx Express, Taiwan, presented the awards as the representative of the sponsors, praising the outstanding achievements..jpg

Taipei, January 9, 2024 – FedEx Express (FedEx), a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, has joined hands with the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, Chung-Hua International Trade Association, JIAYE information Co., Ltd, and other co-organizers to present the Taiwan University Student B2B Cross-border E-commerce Competition (hereinafter referred as the competition) for the fourth consecutive year, aiming to actively promote the cultivation of talents in the e-commerce sector.

Global cross-border e-commerce has seen continual growth and maturity catalyzed by the pandemic, and its convenience has contributed to its sustained expansion even post-pandemic. According to Insider Intelligence, global e-commerce sales are expected to account for 21.9% of total retail sales in 2024.[1] The importance of the cross-border market in the B2B sector is also increasing, with 49% of businesses conducting sales online, and 68% of corporate buyers expressing their intention to continue transactions through diverse online channels in the future.[2] Although Taiwanese enterprises recognize the necessity of cross-border e-commerce, a shortage of e-commerce talent remains a significant challenge for smooth business development.

The competition co-organized by FedEx, the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei and others attracted over 70 B2B companies from a diverse array of sectors, from conventional industries such as machinery and food to electronics, technology, beauty, and outdoor products. Participating university students were tasked with jointly managing various stores on, and through the competition’s professional training and team collaboration, they gained hands-on experience in such aspects as product listing, orders, and backend inquiry conversion rates.

After a nearly three-month competition process, nine teams successfully advanced to the finals. The grand finale and award ceremony of the competition took place on January 6, with five teams from Chinese Culture University, National Taichung University of Science and Technology and National Pingtung University, honored with the title of “Strongest E-commerce Team”. Michael Chu, managing director of operations, FedEx Express, Taiwan presented the part of the top five awards as the representative of the sponsors, praising the outstanding achievements of participating students in practical tasks such as product listing and inquiry interactions.

“Cross-border e-commerce is a maturing global business model, and nurturing future e-commerce leaders is crucial for Taiwanese companies to connect with the global market,” said Michael Chu, managing director of operations, FedEx Express, Taiwan. “Looking ahead, FedEx will continue to provide training courses related to e-commerce, delving into critical areas such as global logistics trends, customs processes, and international transportation standards, to assist young talents in gaining a comprehensive understanding of professional cross-border logistics. We aim to drive the development of the e-commerce industry and infuse it with fresh energy and creativity.”

FedEx is committed to connecting the world responsibly, and our ongoing support of competitions aims to further inspire young individuals to venture into the e-commerce field. We strive to cultivate talents with international perspectives and innovative capabilities, empowering them to become leaders of e-commerce to help local businesses seize international markets and step onto the global stage.

The finals of 8th Taiwan University Student B2B Cross-Border E-commerce Competition were held on January 6, 2024. Visit for more details about the competition.

