Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (AMEA)

FedEx Collaborates to Recycle and Drive Environmental Sustainability in Thailand

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Bangkok, THAILAND, September 11th, 2023 – FedEx Express (FedEx), a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, announced a collaboration with N15 Technology to convert some of the company’s waste into refuse derived fuel (RDF) through the ‘Orphan Waste’ program. Since July 2023, more than 120 kilograms of waste, such as plastic wrap, label stickers, and paper cores, have been recycled through the program.

The Orphan Waste program from N15 Technology offers service stations for collection of non-hazardous municipal solid waste, which are then segregated and converted into RDF for cement kilns. It provides an alternative method of waste management to lessen the burden on landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including methane.

“At FedEx, we understand that our business has an impact on the environment, and we are committed to minimizing these impacts through our Reduce, Replace, and Revolutionize approach,” said Tien-Long Woon, Managing Director, FedEx Express Thailand and Malaysia. “Our commitment to operating responsibly and resourcefully through programs such as this will help us contribute to a more sustainable future for the communities in Thailand.”